Laser Beams

Fredericksburg, TX Holiday Parade, Dec. 5, 2014

Laser Beams
Blue Beams

This was a big one for us – it had been too cold the year before to perform this laser show, and we were determined to get it right.  Fortunately, the weather was perfect, warm and balmy during the days and just a little chilly at night.

Tonight’s laser show was the kickoff for the larger event, the annual Christmas Parade.  The parade itself is truly a spectacle – starting at the courthouse, all the way down Main Street, and then turning around and coming back up the street.  The spectators see the parade both coming and going!

A small area was set up across from the park with bleachers, these were the ticketed VIP seats, that would have the best viewing for the opening laser show.

Because of the parade route that had to be kept clear, we set up the screen using a small boom lift on the park side of the street with the four laser beam projectors, and we set the graphics laser projector up next to the bleachers on the other side projecting across the street on to the screen.  A wireless Ethernet connection kept everything in sync with no wires needed to cross the street.

Laser Show
Upside down Elf
Laser Show
First Elf Sighting
Laser Show
The Happy Face

After the parade we raised the screen again, reversed the image and the beam projectors, and performed shows to the crowd in the park.

Laser Show
The Scary Hippo
Laser Show
Start of the Finale