Laser Gratings

“Grotto” Cave Event – Longhorn Caverns, TX

The Cave
The Cave

Grotto was an opportunity for Laser Spectacles, Inc. to show off its new Laser Galaxy lumia projector and Blisslights in the best environment ever- a cave!

On February 28, 2009, wroking with SDC Productions from Houston, we got loaded in and set up before the party in Longhorn Caverns, south of Burnet, TX. The party was inspired by Burning Man – there was art and music everywhere you looked. From 6 PM until 3 AM, an eclectic assortment of party people were bused in from a remote location, and proceeded to have a great time.

We took over the central cavern; I learned that this room was actually used as a secret speakeasy by the owner during the US Prohibition years!

Laser Crystal
Lasers through a crystal artwork
Laser Lumia
Laser Lumia Cave
Laser Gratings
A Laser Explosion

The nice thing about working in a cave with lasers is the total disconnect from reality that is possible. It is like working in a planetarium, only better, because the surroundings are totally natural, and the top of the cave seems to disappear to allow the lasers to work their magic! The audience was mesmerized, and projecting themselves (mentally) into the cosmos formed by the lasers.

Laser Abstract
My favorite effect! – lasers through a hobnail glass