The Future of San Antonio section w/ lasers - IPW 2023

IPW in San Antonio – Lasers Everywhere!

The Future of San Antonio section w/ lasers - IPW 2023

On May 21 Laser Spectacles took part in “Viva San Antonio!”, an event in the La Villita section of San Antonio. IPW is a huge convention that showcases U.S. suppliers of USA travel products and destinations, and attracts international and domestic travel buyers and journalists representing more than 60 countries. San Antonio was proud to have been selected for the convention and went all out to create a great experience for the IPW!

Laser Spectacles supplied lasers at five different locations for the event, I’ll go through each one for this blog post:

Alamo Street Entrance – We set up two lasers overhead as people walked in to provide a futuristic setting for the section of the event called “Future of San Antonio”. this was the area that had the Main Stage, and a huge bar sponsored by Tito’s!

Future of San Antonio sign with lasers

The Main Stage – We provided a laser showoff the Urban 15 Dancers after they led the attendees on a procession through La Villita. Their LED costumes and huge drum beats led the procession, and took over once they reached the main stage, in a tightly choreographed laser and dance number.

The Main Stage IPW 2023 with Urban 15 dancers

Villita Street – the “Green Beam” – Villita street is straight and runs the entire east-west length of La Villita. For this event it connected the Alamo Street entrance and the Presa Street entrance. At Alamo Street, I set up a static green laser beam that threaded its way through the trees overhead of the attendees and terminated upon the parking garage all the way past the Presa Street entrance. The street was a natural gathering point, and very crowded, the green beam provided a nice twist! Track it through the pictures below:

Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
The Green Beam Begins
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
Continues down Villita Street
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
The Green Beam keeps going…
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
and going…
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
and going…
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
the Green Beam still keeps going…
Green Laser Beam IPW 2023
and finally reaches the Presa Street Entrance

Presa Street Entrance – our client the CE Group wanted something different at this location with a huge impact, so I pulled out the Laser Turret Projector! We used it to target diffraction gratings and optical effects that made highly unusual and rare laser patterns overhead of the attendees.

Laser Machida Grating at the Press St. Entrance IPW 2023
Laser Diffraction Gratings
The Turret Projector - Press St. Entrance - IPW 2023
The Turret Projector
Laser Diffraction Gratings at the Presa St. Entrance IPW 2023
Laser Machida Grating
Machida Grating laser effect w/Green Beam

Arneson River Theater – we had another laser show when the event kicked off in this San Antonio icon of a theater. James Scott handled this show, I was busy at the other locations. Below is a video I found from the Jet Set!

Arneson River Theater San Antonio
The Theater Ready for IPW 2023

To top it all off, when the lasers came on at the Main Stage, a variety of lighting came on all over downtown, illuminating the entire city! All in all, this was an exhilarating event, a lot of work, and great fun! I think it was an excellent intro to San Antonio for the IPW attendees from around the world.