Laser Starfield Beams

Killeen Eclipse Celebration Kickoff – April 6, 2024

Laser Beams Eclipse

The City of Killeen, Texas Parks and Recreation Department decided to start their countdown to the Solar Eclipse with a “Sci-Fi at the Park” party!

Attendees enjoyed the film “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” inside the huge gymnasium, and afterwards, came out into the park to watch our laser show projected upon the huge wall of the gym building.

Parks and Recreation are headquartered inside the building, and it was great to see all of the preparations being made for the next two days! The small mountain of “Moon Pies” is a testament to the dedication to detail of this group. Click any image to see it larger –

Moon Pies
The Ultimate Eclipse Food
Laser Show Wall
The Laser Show Wall
Sunset before Laser Show
Sunset before Laser Show

Despite fairly high wind gusts, our haze machines proved more than up to the task of making a great laser show environment. We programmed a series of space themed tunes and graphics featuring Star Wars, UFOs, laser abstracts, star fields, and a Laser Eclipse!

Eclipse Over Central Texas 1
Eclipse Over Central Texas 1
Eclipse Over Central Texas
Eclipse Over Central Texas 2
Jupiter Laser Beams
Laser Show R2D2
Laser R2D2
Laser Abstract – Audio Reactive
Abstract Laser Sun
Abstract Laser Sun

Eclipse Laser Date