Laser Spectacles Three ILDA Awards in 2023

Laser Spectacles Inc. 2023 – Three First Place ILDA Awards

Laser Spectacles Three ILDA Awards in 2023

On September 19, 2023 at the Radisson Hotel in Atlantic Beach, NC, the International Laser Display Association’s “2023 Awards for Outstanding Laser Display” ceremony was held. I am happy to announce that Laser Spectacles received three First Place ILDA Awards! I was on hand to compete the night before in the “LaseOff”, and then to receive the awards personally. Following is a summary of the Awards:

The first award was in the category “Graphics Shows”, received for our entry “WilCo Courthouse 175th” – a laser mapping show on the Courthouse for the Williamson County 175th Anniversary

ILDA Graphics Show First Place Award 2023 - Laser Spectacles, Inc.

ILDA "Laser Jockey" First Place Award 2023 - Laser Spectacles, Inc.

The second award was for the “Laser Jockey” category – I participated in the competition the night before, and the audience voted my show First Place! This was performed live to music that I had never heard before.

The third award was in the category “Fenning IDN Standards Technical Achievement Award” – First Place for our entry “First Professional IDN-Based Laser Show”

ILDA Technical Category "IDN" First Place Award 2023 - Laser Spectacles, Inc.

Some explanation – IDN stands for “ILDA Digital Network” – it is a laser show protocol developed over the last 11 years to replace the bulky analog cables that are used everywhere to interconnect laser projectors. The IDN standard allows laser show signals to be streamed over a network and also recorded and played back, which is what I did for this award.

I had two copies made and presented them at the ILDA Awards to Matthias Frank and Dirk Apitz; without their sustained effort the IDN standard would not be what I needed to create this show and win this award. Thank you Matthias and Dirk!

Tim Dirk Matthias