Laser Mapping

Nebraska State Capitol Laser Mapping

Nebraska Capitol
The Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln

We had an opportunity to project lasers upon the Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln, NE for the final Sesquicentennial Celebration Party – what a party! What a show! After conducting a test on August 7, we had a month to prepare for the party on September 22, 2017.

The Nebraska State Capitol is an iconic building 400 feet tall, and surrounded by a lower outer layer around 400 feet wide. It is where the legislature meets, and is open for tours and sightseeing everyday.

Our client loved the idea of “laser mapping” the State Capitol Building, and projecting a laser beam show from the building down Centennial Mall, where up to 8,000 spectators could enjoy the show. We liked the idea of projecting lasers upon this huge wonderful building, and having the audience contained within a narrow viewing area that was perfect for haze and laser beams!

Laser Mapping
Laser Mapping Nebraska Capitol
Laser Mapping Nebraska Capitol
Start the show with a beam to the statue
Laser Mapping
Basic Outline of the Capitol Building

We arrived in Lincoln six days before the show, and set up so that we could spend time making the laser mapping follow the building perfectly. Working from 8 PM – midnight each night attracted some attention in the community and media outlets, and helped to raise the awareness of the upcoming Sesquicentennial Party.

Laser Mapping
Must Have – N for Nebraska Huskers!
Dynamic Laser Mapping
Angle Lines give a different effect
Laser Mapping
Flared Lines Cross Mapping

The party began with a special salute to the veterans attending, and an award ceremony around sundown. Then the Kris Lager Band played a set as the sun went down. At 8:45, when it was good and dark, the Capitol and Mall lights went out and the laser show began. It was a perfect night for haze and laser beams, and the crowd appreciated it!

Laser Mapping
Laser Diamonds in motion
Laser Mapping
Draping the Nebraska Capitol with Lasers
Laser Mapping
Add fireworks for even more fun!

Our show consisted of our laser mapping choreography set to the original music “Powerful Flight” by myself, Tim Walsh. Then we documented Nebraska History through words and pictures to “Little Nebraska Town” by Rachel Price, and celebrated Nebraska Today to “Cornhusker Strong” by Heidi Merrill. We took a collective breath during “Sirius” by Alan Parsons Project, and then the lasers exploded for the finale set to “No Place Like Nebraska”, the University of Nebraska – Lincoln fight song.

After another set from the Kris Lager Band, JW Fireworks shot off a beautiful fireworks display to close the evening.

Video of the Laser Mapping:

Videos of the history of Nebraska projected upon the Capitol with full beam show: